Samundar Katha Lake & Adventure Park, Nathiagali
Genral Introduction:- The lake is located near Baragali, a few kilometers ahead of Nathiagali. The Lake is created artificially by the forest Department Khyber Pakhtunkhawa and has been built to promote eco-friendly tourism in the Galliyat Region. Samunder Katha Lake is run by Hotel Elites, Nathiagali in collaboration with Adventure Edge Pakistan.Hotel Elites offers following adventure activities:-
Note: All adventure activities are supervised by qualified and experience staff of Adventure Edge. So don’t need to worry about your safety during activities. (Highly trained staff in the field of outdoor adventures) .
Operational Activities at
Samander Katha Lake & Adventure Park.
Sr.No Description Duration of Activity Charges
Zip-line 1250 feet 600
Boating (row) two rounds 1200
Boating (Engine) two Rounds 1200
Canoeing (open Deck) 5 rounds 350
Archery 5 shoots 350
Camping 1-2 person 4000
Coed Bikes 1 Rounds 500
Cycling 30 minutes 500
Direction: – :
For Reservation and advance booking please contact us on following:-
Sardar Asif
General Manger
Hotel Elites – Nathiagali
FB Page:
Syed Asim Shah
Manager Marketing
Adventure Edge (Pvt) Ltd.
Phone: 92-312 9116727 / 0333-9557242
Other Facility
Tuck Shop is available on lake site and lunch can be provided on prior booking..